All who have accomplished great things have had a great aim, have fixed their gaze on a goal which was high, one which sometimes seemed impossible. This is something I often repeat, however I cannot stress highly enough the need to know what you want, and to define a singular, overriding goal for your life. We do not need to know how we will accomplish that, we just need to be mindful that the things we do, move forward this singular purpose.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


You've heard the saying "your mind is a terrible thing to waste". Who ever came up that is on the money, and once you decide what/how you want your life to be, you must take a look at how you think. Changing your mindset is most effective way to ensure that you will be successful in all your endeavors. Changing how your mind thinks sounds pretty easy but it takes work.   It is easy to let the mind wander and worry, but the individual who can control their own mind has the world on his plate.
What is a Negative Consciousness? 
A Negative Consciousness is a mindset where an individual continually feels negative emotions like fear, hatred, anger, greed, revenge, and superstition. When the mind is constantly feeling these negative emotions nothing good comes into creation. This negative energy brings you more of what you don’t want into your life. A negative mindset makes you feel like you will never accomplish anything and you doubt that you will be successful. The negative mind has no room for any positive emotions. This mindset causes you to give up on your dreams before you really get started on achieving them or even procrastinate to the point that you never act on your goals.  Often times you may not even know you are being negative when you are in fact negative.  The negative consciousness is easy to create since no “work is required to achieve this mindset is almost human nature. Here is one sign that a negative mindset could be holding you back.
Do you ever decide to take action on a goal then immediately begin to think about all the ways you couldn't possibly succeed? That is the easiest way to know you have a negative mindset.

What is a Positive Consciousness?
A Positive Consciousness is a mindset where an individual continually feels positive emotions like desire, love, faith, sex, romance, enthusiasm, and hope. The positive mindset is grateful for all they have and will have, and they are faithful to the actions that will bring about change and prosperity. The individual who has a positive mindset does not have room in their thought for negative emotions. Someone with a positive mindset always finds the good in every situation and knows that goals aren't met overnight and are willing to take a step in faith and stay committed to achieving their goals, positively. If you are actively controlling your thoughts in order to have your mind filled with positive emotions then you have a positive consciousness.

So how do you change your mind?
First you must agree that negative and positive emotions can not co-exist. You must have fear or faith; there is no room for both. Most people have to do a little work to build a Positive Mindset and that is easy to do once you have the "tools" you need. You may be thinking to yourself "how can I focus on the positive when negativity is all around me?" This is where affirmation, imagination, meditation, and vision boards come into play. You can learn how to change your mindset and begin living the life you want just by using:
1. Affirmations 2. Imagination 3. Meditation 4. Vision boards

Here is each tool laid out for you in detail.
1. Affirmation- Positive self talk is a way to embed positive thoughts on your mind and subconscious
2. Meditation - Take a few moments throughout the day to sit and relax your mind in a quiet space
3. Imagination- Imagine you are living a life exactly as you want
4. Vision Board - A poster board with pictures of what your life looks like when your goals are met

Last Thoughts.
There are many ways to change your mindset you just have to decide that you want to live better.  You have to desire to have more, be more and do more. The tools outline above can be brought together in a way to meet your personal needs so that you can have that positive mindset that you need to have the success you desire.

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